Mobility for osteopathic students and teachers in Finland: Agreement with the Helsinki University of Applied Sciences

metropolia UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES IS a major partner in the international development of osteopathy
With over 16,000 students and 1,000 employees, Metropolia University (Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu) in Finland is one of the country's largest universities of applied sciences. It offers a wide range of programmes in various fields, including health. Among these programmes, osteopathy is a discipline in its own right. The Metropolia is one of the few institutions in Finland to offer a degree course in osteopathy, making it a key player in the international development of osteopathy.
The Metropolia maintains partnerships with numerous universities and organisations around the world. These include exchange programmes for students and teachers, as well as research collaborations.
Osteopathy training program :
- Osteopathy, Bachelor Degree – 240 ECTS - 4 ans
- Master of Health Care, Osteopathy – 90 ECTS – 1.5 ans
More details :
Osteopathy, Bachelor's Degree | Metropolia UAS
Osteopathy | Study Guide, Metropolia
For students of the Institut d'Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne who wish to go to Helsinki
Training place for the osteopathic student
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Myllypurontie 100920 Helsinki, FINLAND
How to apply
This exchange program for IO-RB students is possible in the 5th year of study. The IO-RB's internal application process takes place in the 4th year of study.
It takes the form of participation in International Week, which is held in Metropolia every March.
Students (incoming and outgoing mobility) must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Students are entirely responsible for the costs associated with their mobility, such as travel costs, meals, health insurance and accommodation. However, he or she will receive an Erasmus+ grant, which contributes to the costs associated with the mobility. This flat-rate grant takes into account the cost of living in the destination country and the distance from the IO-RB. What's more, the student is exempt from paying tuition fees at the host establishment. More information here.
The mobility allowance is intended to cover the additional expenses incurred by the stay abroad, and not the usual costs of the home university. Any period spent abroad, whether as an intern or a student, can take the form of a hybrid mobility activity, combining physical mobility and virtual activities. In this context, grants are only paid during periods of physical mobility.
Osteopathy in Finland
In Finland, the profession of osteopath is regulated and the title is protected. Osteopaths must register with the Osteopathic Association of Finland (Suomen Osteopaattiliitto). Since 1994, osteopathy has been included in the legislation governing the health professions. Osteopathic treatment is covered by certain private insurance policies, and treatment provided in hospitals is reimbursed by the government.
Respective contributions to scientific research in osteopathy
La Metropolia and the IO-RB share a common commitment to excellence in osteopathic research. Osteopathic research plays a crucial role in the advancement of the profession in France and Europe. It helps to establish evidence-based standards of practice, train competent osteopaths and promote osteopathy as an integral component of healthcare.
Metropolia UAS is committed to promoting osteopathy in Finland. Metropolia students and lecturers are often involved in international research projects aimed at improving osteopathic practice and integrating new knowledge for the development of the profession. This has led to joint research projects between Metropolia and the Institut d'Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne.
A study on the attitudes, skills and use of evidence by osteopaths who teach has been published. This study was conducted as part of the Master of Health Care - Osteopathy (Osteopathy, Master's Degree | Metropolia UAS) by Hakim Mhadhbi, Clinical Manager at our Institute.
The Metropolia collaborates with other European and international institutions on research projects. These collaborations enable knowledge to be shared, research methods to be standardised and the scientific credibility of osteopathy to be strengthened. It has evolved from a number of technical and professional establishments to become a modern and influential university, focused on innovation and practice. Today, it remains a pillar of higher education in Finland, with a strong focus on applied research and community involvement.