The agreement covers the STAPS UFR (Training and Research Unit in Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities), as well as the Movement, Sport, Health research laboratory, to facilitate links between the two establishments' training offers, work in synergy to adapt training content to the needs of students wishing to change courses, and pool resources for research in the field of health and sport.
The University of Rennes 2, via the UFR STAPS, has for many years pursued a policy of developing a range of training courses in the fields of sport and health. In this field, it relies on its M2S laboratory. The resulting expertise facilitates links with the various branches of study in the paramedical field, including osteopathy.
In concrete terms, the partnership agreement signed by the IO-RB and Université Rennes 2 enables IO-RB students applying for the “Entraînement et Optimisation de la Performance Motrice” (EOPS), “Ingénierie et Ergonomie de ! 'Activité Physique” (called IEAP), ‘Activité Physique Adaptée -Santé’ (called APA-5), and after validation of their application by the relevant master's teaching committee, to take part in research projects in line with the M2S laboratory's research policy.
Students from the UFR STAPS who have completed their first year of the M2R Bachelor's degree course, having met the selection criteria of the Institut d'Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne, benefit from a reduction in certain teaching units.
More information on research orientations with Rennes2 University
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