The Université Libre de Bruxelles is located in the capital of Belgium and the European Union. Its main campuses are spread across the city.
Founded in 1834, the ULB is an independent higher education institution.
The ULB is founded on the principles of secularism and academic autonomy. It encourages a critical and independent approach to knowledge. It is also committed to social and community initiatives, promoting research and teaching in relation to important societal issues.
The ULB offers the first university-level osteopathic training in Belgium, with two courses :
Master de spécialisation en ostéopathie - ULB
Master en sciences de la motricité, orientation générale à finalité Ostéopathie - ULB
Campus hospitalo-universitaire Erasme, Route de Lennik 808, B-1070 Bruxelles (Campus Erasme (
This exchange program for the Institute's teaching staff aims to share best practices in teaching and research between the two partner institutions.
In Belgium, osteopathy is recognized but not yet fully regulated at federal level. The title of osteopath is not protected by law, which means that regulation can vary, and recognition of the profession often depends on professional associations. Osteopaths in Belgium are generally required to undergo specific training in accredited establishments, with programs aligned with international standards.
Osteopaths can practice in private clinics, independent practices or in collaboration with other health professionals. However, public health insurance coverage of osteopathic care is limited. Patients often have to pay for consultations out of their own pocket, although some private insurers may offer partial or full coverage.
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